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Covid19 Resources for Programs, Pharmacies and Prescribers
For Pharmacists:
These stickers are designed to encourage people to ask a pharmacist for naloxone. They could be placed on packs of syringes, prescriptions for opioids, or other materials related to opioid safety.
English Stickers
Spanish Stickers

Naloxone card
We heard that many people don’t know what to say, or how to ask for naloxone at the pharmacy, or don’t want to ask for it. This is a small card to help people ask for naloxone at the pharmacy. Conceived as a stigma-reduction tool, it can be distributed by health care providers, placed on pharmacy shelves, handed out in community locations, or left at checkout counters. People can simply take the card to the pharmacy counter and ask for “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D”, making the “ask” easier.